speaking of names...
words, dreams, visions, feelings, thoughts, stories, spirit, love, synergy, students, teachers, womanhood, motherhood, childhood, husband, family, baby, friends, neighbors, gifts, wisdom, education, vulnerability, goodness, light, God, Jesus, One, hope, will, peace, truth, feeling, caring, tenderness, inspiration, help, lessons, poems, virtues, loyalty, seeing, infinite, imagination, sun, moon, stars, planets, people, reliving, remembering, reconciling, forgiving, healing, today, forever...
an old friend wrote me the other day about a book he's writing. it's a third edition of a software manual. the first edition was written when we were a couple. i spent many many hours alone while he toiled away on that thing. he dedicated it to me, which was lovely, but by the time i got my official copy, i'd broken up with him. i didn't want to live my life alone, waiting for someone to finish their masterpiece.
this friend (whom i still love dearly) is now dating someone new, and is faced with the same kind of problems that we had. he claims that this third edition is his "best work yet." i haven't brought myself to tell him that love is all that matters. NOTHING else matters. everything else will fade away, rot, melt, disappear, or just cease to exist. but love is eternal.
another thing i've learned that seems worth sharing is that we will never be left without a source of love. it's the ego that wants love from some specific being at a specific time. we get all wrapped in knots of we don't get it from that one person... but if we look around, we can see that love has been there all along.
picture "alice's devil" borrowed from tips to no devil : http://uk.geocities.com/willhelston/tips.html
*one of my students just told me that daddy long legs are actually the most venomous and fierce spiders of all, but that their fangs can only penetrate human skin between our toes and fingers. and if they bite you, you could die! yikes! ... from the research i've done online, it seems that may just be a legend stemming from the fact that daddy longlegs can kill a black widow.