re: religiosity in the trucklight story... thoughts inspired by crc's audiopost entitled "road trip day 4"
It's a good thing to accept the creative expression of an artist's faith. It is part of inclusiveness.
There are many words describing the same thing. Truth comes to us from every corner of the universe. We can find it within every religion, every myth, every belief system, virtually every thing to which we are exposed.
We recognize the truth by its resonance within us, and then we give the rest - the illusions, the misunderstandings, the lies, and the like - very little of our energy.
(that reminds me of the pile of apple cores i chucked in the trash after i had extracted the delicious bits for my pie.)
look for the delicious bits in everything.
chuck the rest.
Through this lens, a religious expression can provide spiritual connection rather than religious disconnection. The invisible threads between us become visible.
Religious symbols and stories from all faiths
are like tiny lights in the night
that come to us when we need them.

"working m(om)"
"there you are, staring at stars, breathing in awe, feeling at one with the universe, know all this already, don't you?"