ken and i talked about this subject for our new episode of "radio wednesday." for more info about the show, please check out the radio wednesday blog : http://radiowednesday.blogspot.com/
to hear the discussion click on "radio wednesday : one step up" http://www.nrvradio.com/content/view/38/43/
"it's the same thing night on night. who's wrong? baby, who's right? another fight and i slam the door. another battle in our dirty little war. when i look in the mirror i don't see the man i wanted to be. somewhere along the line i slipped off track. one step up and two steps back." (bruce springsteen)
Is being gay a choice or a God given characteristic?
Ultimately, whether it's a choice or not, or whether it's "right" or "wrong" is only known between each individual and God. So, since I am neither gay, nor God, my opinion on the matter is meaningless.
It does, however, seem pretty clear that homosexuality in this culture serves a higher purpose in that it allows us the opportunity to address our prejudices and judgments and hateful behavior toward one another. So, for that reason alone, I believe that it is part of God's plan.
Whether it's inborn or environmental, right, wrong, or indifferent, I just don't know. I am not the one to judge the issue. God does not ask me to judge. He asks me to love. That is the challenge being put forth.
stop judging one another and learn how to love each other.
I will always take a stand for love.
love one another...
for the record, regardless of gender, people that love one another are ok in my book.
Should same sex couples be allowed to get married?
Despite our various and sundry opinions, it's not our place to judge whether same sex marriage is right or wrong. How can we arrogantly presume we are even properly equipped to make such judgments?
Why are so many of us focused on how we believe other people are missing the mark while we walk around miles from it ourselves?
Furthermore, why are we trying to control one another so much? What are we so afraid of? And who are we, as a "free" society, to withhold these kind of civil rights from a whole subgroup of people?
Those of us fortunate enough to have one know that solid loving partnerships are the saving grace of this challenging world. They are the proverbial soft place to fall. Not to mention the catalyst for a great amount of personal growth. And, they anchor us. Don't we all want to be anchored?
do unto others...
If I knew all this, and I were gay, I would want to be allowed to marry my partner, too. I would want to be treated kindly and respectfully and fairly and equally, despite other people's differing viewpoints.
If the religiously spirited people have issues with the "institution of marriage" then why can't we just call it a "union," and then call it a day? Everyone can believe what they want to about it, and everyone can teach their children what they believe is best, but it's not in anyone's best interest to institutionalize any one religious viewpoint.
Do we actually want to religiosity and legalism to rule? Wouldn't we rather rule with the broad strokes of love and freedom and tolerance and equality for all? Isn't that what we stand for as a country?
We all judge one another. And we all know inside that we probably shouldn't.
Uh oh, i am entering "should" territory again.... I don't want to "should" all over everyone. Maybe we can just reflect on what our greatest teacher said:
love one another as i have loved you.
treat other people the way you want to be treated.
don't judge people unless you want to be judged in return.
That's what I'll be teaching my little girl. I'll teach her about loving people, and treating them with kindness, even when - especially when - they look, think, and act very differently than she does. I'll teach her to treat people equally, regardless of sexual orientation. I'll teach her to stand up for people who are bullied and abused for any reason. And i'll teach her that, since we don't have all the answers to complex subjects like these, it's best to suspend judgment and just give love.
A minister open to performing civil unions would probably have a lot to offer in that respect. What's the name of that church again, Ron? ;)
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