today i read a bit on a blog i love called dooce about a toddler named leta who destroys a dvd player. toddlerhood.... just today shuggie ripped a good size hole in a big shiny page of a library book with her foot. it wasn't really a defiant move this time (unlike leta, shuggie does have a sneaky streak). this incident was part of the toe thing. shuggie wants to feel everything with her toes. that's her version of a litmus test. it has to feel good on the toesies. fruit cocktail, keyboards, telephones, cabinets, wine glasses, reading glasses, remote controls, cheerios, radios, doggie bones,car keys...they've all been touched by the toes.
that's quite a love affair... her and those toes. i've never seen anything like it.
so we were looking at an animal book. the page was full of snakes. she wanted to know what a picture of snakes felt like with her toes. unfortunately she had her sneakers on. when the rubber sole gripped onto that thick "national geographic" paper, it just tore a chunk out of it. maybe we'll have to buy it from the library. we can give it to her for her birthday.shuggie will be two this week. today is her birthday party.
i made cupcakes, wrapped presents, and put together some gift bags. shuggie and i dustbusted the whole house together.