If we have the ten commandments, why not have Ghandi's 7 blunders? Or a phrase or two from the Dalai Lama? Or a big OM statue? Or Ben Franklin's 13 Virtues?
What are we so afraid of?
I envision a courthouse with all the major religions represented by beautiful works of art. I see a school classroom where a space of quiet meditation in the beginning of the day is the norm. I envision people discussing loving things that Gandhi and Buddha and Jesus said, freely and openly, without ridicule or judgment from one another.
And with no one being sued.
Let's flood our public centers with images and ideas of goodness and wisdom from all corners of the universe. Let our public officials be inspired by expressions of truth, beauty, and moral consciousness all day long. Let America be rich with cultural and spiritual expression, not barren. Let it be a quilt of many colors, not just one. Or worse... none